Data Export in ANSI EIA X12 Format

Use the ANSI EIA X12 wizard to export project information to applications that support Version 3040 or Version 4010 of ANSI EIA X12 Transaction Set 839 Project Cost Reporting.

The export process generates an ASCII file that can be used to export date to wInsight, Performance Analyzer for Windows, and other applications. The ASCII file is in the ANSI EIA X12 Transaction Set 839 Project Cost Reporting transaction file format.

  • Use Version 3040 to generate CPR Format 1 and CPR Format 2
  • Use Version 4010 to generate CPR Format 1 through Format 4
The export file includes the following sections:
Format Exported Data
Contract data section Project details and performance data across the whole project.
Format 1 Currency performance data related to the code file that is associated with Control Account key field 1.
Format 2 Currency performance data related to the code file that is associated with Control Account key field 2.
Calendar Set 09 Cobra collects calendar data, which is required by Formats 3 and 4 from Calendar Set 09.
Format 3 Baseline data, including the following:
  • Beginning of Period Baseline data
  • Baseline changes
  • End of Period Baseline data
Format 4 Hour data related to the code file that is associated with the second control account key field (CA2). Cobra exports this data in two parts:
  • Manpower budget at complete (BAC) — Manpower data related to costs defined in the budget cost set
  • Forecast or latest revised estimate (LRE) — Manpower data related to costs defined in the ETC cost set